Christchurch TutorRachael is currently in ALM5 (advanced learning in medicine year 5) of her degree, Bachelor of Medicine and Bachelor of Surgery. She chose to pursue this degree as she highly enjoys science and loves people. She is passionate about using her skills and zeal to serve others and potentially make a positive difference in their lives. Being a doctor allows connection with people from all backgrounds and the potential to improve health outcomes for those that have greater inequities than others. Medicine can also be applied around the world and it is her dream to travel and be able to use her skills to help.
In her spare time Rachael likes to participate in social sport, dance, bake, volunteer with Red Frogs and go on adventures. Rachael focuses on the sciences with her tutoring, but also tutors English. Medicine is science based as so the skills she learnt in school has contributed to her progress through Medicine. However, Medicine isn’t necessarily just straight science, so the skills, ideas and concepts she learnt is English have also helped.
When Rachael is tutoring, she likes to constantly relate the content to the real world and give perspective. There is a greater world out there that one-day students will have an impact on, their futures are going to shape our future. So, it is important to inspire, to teach and encourage our students to chase their passions.