Our Science Tutors.
Our tutors understand where most students struggle and are able to equip them with the tools that will allow them to increase their grades and unlock their full potential.
One handpicked Science tutor to suit your needs
Weekly lessons building strategies & knowledge
A personalised action plan for long term success
Progress reports after every lesson
Proven results
First trial lesson 100% risk-free
How our tutors tackle Science:
1. Simplifying Technical Language
Our tutors make work closely with your child to draw simple connections between concepts and their definitions, by drawing up creative mnemonics that help to build subject-intuition.
2. Understanding the relevance
Our tutors will make sure your child understands the wider significance of Science, and how it’s shaped the world they live in today – with practical, relevant examples.
3. Holistic Understanding
Our tutors will encourage your child to step back and see how Science connects to the other subjects they’re taking. This gives them the wealth of transferable skills that will improve their knowledge across the board.
Write strong scientific reports and analyses
Our tutors will help your child feel confident with writing scientific reports and analyses- a key component of all Science courses that can be utilised in many subjects.
Our Science tutors will help your child:
Break complex problems down into manageable chunks
Fill gaps in their knowledge from previous years
Know how to confidently answer NCEA Science questions
Develop a strong intuition for Science subjects
Complete assignments and practice tests with supervised support on hand
Understand the subject’s relevance to the world around them
Find a Science tutor near you:
Trial our tutoring service by booking in a risk-free lesson.
We want to make sure we’re the best fit for you or your child. For this reason, we offer the first lesson risk-free, with no obligation to commit if you are unhappy with our service. Tell us more about your needs and we’ll get back to you within 24 hours.
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