Our Tutors.
Our tutors understand where most students struggle and are able to equip them with the tools that will allow them to increase their grades and unlock their full potential.
What do our tutoring packages offer?
One handpicked tutor to suit your needs
Weekly lessons building strategies & knowledge
A personalised action plan for long term success
Progress reports after every lesson
Proven results
First trial lesson 100% risk-free
Of our customers would recommend us to a friend
Of our students achieve NCEA with a Merit or Excellence endorsement
How our tutors tackle these subjects:
1. The technical
Accounting, Business Studies, Digital technology and Psychology are often jargon-heavy, which can be daunting. Tutors in these subjects help your child to build up a basic subject literacy, and our tutors are trained to make this an easy and enjoyable process.
2. Connecting the dots
Whatever subject they’re studying, it’s important that students know how the different concepts are connected to each other across subjects and society. Our model of learning helps students to get an “intuition” about these relationships – tapping into the critical thinking skills required for Excellence-level answers.
3. Writing & communication skills
Writing is a critical asset in today’s world. In subjects like History, Media Studies and Classics, students are expected to create powerful arguments in written form. Our will help your child to develop fluency and structure in their essays, through practice; creative learning techniques; and open discussion.
4. Tailored teaching
Our model of learning is designed to nurture students’ sense of self, and bring out the best of their potential at school. All subjects are taught in a way that resonates with the individual student on a personal level, making for more meaningful learning.
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We want to make sure we’re the best fit for you or your child. For this reason, we offer the first lesson risk-free, with no obligation to commit if you are unhappy with our service. Tell us more about your needs and we’ll get back to you within 24 hours.
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